Simple OnAccess Scan Solution For Clamav in Redhat
Clamav is powerfull antivir solution for linux. But if you wantto add onaccess scan functionality of clamav you maus re-compile your kernel with DazukoFS. I think it is quite diffucult process for running systems.
There is another alternative for this with inotify tools. Here is the steps;
1. Instal ClamAv for linux.
2.Install intotify tools for linux
2.1. wget
2.2 goto inotify source inotifywait.c line 310
2.3 add this lines before " fflush( NULL );" atom
static char * scanfiles;
nasprintf( &scanfiles, "%s%s",inotifytools_filename_from_wd( event->wd ), event->name );
char command[1000];
strcpy (command,"/usr/local/clamav/bin/clamscan -r --remove ");
strcat (command,scanfiles);
2.4 goto instalation dir of inotify tools
2.5 run
make install
2.6 goto rc.local add this line
nohup /usr/local/bin/inotifywait -qq -r -m -e create,close_write /watch_folder_name/ > /dev/null &
also you can add these parameters before folder name , if you have joomla or another application
--exclude "refTableSQL/* --exclude "cache/*" (quotas must be include)
and that's it. When new file created or replaced , or whatever event ocuured, clamav scan these files.
I hope that this is helpfull for anyone.